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Palestine United Nations now will get full membership?

Palestine The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling on the Security Council to grant Palestine full membership.

As a result, the General Assembly increased Palestine’s rights within the United Nations and strengthened its demand for membership.

Palestine has been a non-member observer state of the United Nations since 2012. But as a result, they do not get the benefits of full membership.

However, this membership issue is determined only by the UN Security Council.

The United States recently vetoed one round of their bid to become full members. But the vote at the General Assembly on Friday is seen as a sign of support for Palestine’s full membership.

Before the vote, the Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations Riyad H.

“We want peace, we want freedom, a yes vote is a vote for the existence of Palestine. It’s not against a state,” said Mansour.

The General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to grant new “rights and privileges” to Palestine. It also called for a reconsideration of Palestine’s bid to become the 194th member of the United Nations.

143 votes were in favor of this resolution brought by Arabs and Palestinians, and 9 countries voted against it. In addition to the United States and Israel, there are Argentina, Hungary, Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea and the Czech Republic.

Besides, 25 states abstained from voting.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas welcomed this proposal of the United Nations. He says it will support their bid for another vote in the Security Council.

In a statement, he declared, “Palestine will continue to seek full membership of the United Nations.”


“Israeli UN Ambassador Condemns Organization for Embracing ‘Terrorist State’ Palestine, Tears Up Charter in Protest”

Gilad Erdan, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, said the organization welcomed a “terrorist state” with them.

During his speech at the session, he tore up a copy of the UN Charter. And he alleged that UN members had actually done just that by passing resolutions in favor of Palestine.

“Many of you are anti-Semitic, it doesn’t matter to you that the Palestinians are not peace-loving. By disregarding the UN Charter and giving membership benefits to Palestine, you have destroyed the UN Charter with your own hands,” said Mr. Gilead.

The UN passed the resolution as news emerged that several European states were planning to recognize Palestine.

Spain will do so on May 21, European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell told Spanish media RTVE on Thursday.

He said that Malta, Ireland and Slovenia are also walking the same path, although no date has been given before this.

Friday’s UN resolution gave Palestine additional opportunities to fully participate in any debate. Allows its representatives to propose agendas and elect committees.

But they still don’t get any voting rights – the UN General Assembly doesn’t have the power to grant it. Only the Security Council can approve it.

How the UN votes:

Five countries are permanent representatives of the Security Council and each of them has veto power. The remaining 10 non-permanent member states of the Council.

Any draft resolution at the Security Council would require the votes of five members – the US, UK, Russia, China and France. And a veto would block the resolution.

The issue of Palestinian statehood has divided the international community for decades.

In 1988, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the main representative of Palestine, announced the establishment of the State of Palestine.

According to Reuters, Palestinian statehood is recognized by 139 of the 193 member states of the United Nations – although this is seen in a very symbolic sense.

In practice, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has little authority over its own government in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

In 2007, Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip from the PA. The United Nations considers both territories occupied by Israel and views them as one political entity.

What does the passage of this new resolution at the United Nations mean?

Israel does not recognize the state of Palestine. The current Israeli government opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank. They argue that the establishment of such a state would threaten Israel’s existence.

The United States supports the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. It sees the ‘two-state solution’ as the only solution to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.

But they say it must come only through negotiations between the two sides.

US Assistant Ambassador to the United Nations Robert Wood said on Friday that the US would support a Palestinian state only if Israel and the Palestinians can live in peace in their own state.

Last month, with the support of many countries, Algeria introduced a proposal to admit Palestine as a member state. The United States, as one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, vetoed it, saying it was not yet time to do so.

“General Assembly Vote Signals Strong Support for Palestine Amid Escalating Tensions with Israel”

Resolutions passed by the UN Security Council are legally binding, which is not the case with resolutions passed by the General Assembly.

However, this vote of the General Assembly once again highlighted the overwhelming support for Palestine to become a member of the United Nations. Many countries have expressed concern over the death toll from the operation in Gaza and the renewed Israeli military operation in Rafah.

Thus, the General Assembly’s voting results in favor of Palestine and against Israel also demonstrate support for the latter. In October of last year, the UN passed a resolution calling for a humanitarian truce in Gaza by a vote of 120 to 14, with 45 governments abstention.

But under US law, Washington will not fund any UN agency that grants statehood to someone without “international recognition”. When the Palestinians joined the UN as a member in 2011, the US stopped funding UNESCO.

Earlier, Gilad Erdan said that if the UN passes the resolution, he expects the US to end aid to the UN and other allied organizations.

On Thursday, 25 Republican senators — more than half of the party’s total membership in the chamber — introduced a bill that would have cut aid and tightened sanctions on anyone who supports Palestine.

However, the possibility of passing this bill in the Senate controlled by Democrat President Joe Biden is very low.


Why some countries do not recognize Palestine?

Fawaz Gerges, professor of international relations and Middle East politics at the London School of Economics, said that “while support for the establishment of a Palestinian state is substantial. The United States insists on direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, which is indeed empowering. Israel will block the path to Palestinian independence.”

Peace talks began in 1990, followed by the idea of a two-state solution in which Israel and Palestine could coexist in separate countries.

But since the early 2000s, peace talks have gradually failed, and in 2014, the Israeli-Palestinian talks in Washington completely failed. Questions remain about the borders of the two countries, the nature of a future Palestinian state, what will happen to Jerusalem and the future of Palestinian refugees.

Israel unequivocally opposes Palestine’s vote to become a member of the United Nations. In early April, Israel’s UN ambassador Gilad Erdan told AFP that the talks were “a kind of victory for the genocidal terrorists. And the resolution passed will be retaliation for the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas.”

Even friendly nations with Israel understand that endorsing a Palestinian state may enrage their other supporters.

Many individuals, including some pro-Israel activists, believe that Palestine does not meet the requirements of the 1933 Montevideo Convention of States. These include a permanent population, a defined border, a government, and the ability to communicate with other nations.

However, many prefer a more flexible definition of state and insist on recognition by other states.

If you learn more about Palestine visit the website