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Yoga for Beginners: Complete guide to starting yoga

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Yoga for Beginners: Complete guide to starting yoga

Yoga to stay healthy:

01.Yoga can be practiced from the age of 5/6 years to the last day of life. All you need to do is select the required number of seats. All ages cannot be accommodated. Young boys and girls should not be seated more than twice. Boys should not practice pranayama and mudra before the age of 14/15 years and girls until the establishment of menstruation.

02. Yoga can be practiced at any time of the day, morning or night. But at the same time, it’s not overwhelming.  It’s best to sit down after breakfast. However, those who have constipation, flatulence, etc. can wake up in the morning and do certain asanas and mudras in bed. For those who have insomnia disease, doing vajrasana for a while before going to bed after dinner at night can give good results.

03. In asana, mudra, or pranayama, it is advisable to do or stay in a posture or process for as long as one can easily do or stay in it at a time. But in no case should not stay more than a minute at a time, except for a few specific seats. In padmasana, dhyanasana, siddhasana, and vajrasana you can take as much time as you want.

04. It is not advisable to practice more than 7/8 seats at a time. By practicing two pranayamas, mudras according to age and need along with asanas, better results can be obtained in a short time. After the practice of one asana or mudra, one should take rest in Shavasana as needed. But one should not do any kind of yoga exercise without taking a rest after any strenuous work or exercise. You need to rest once a week.

05. It is not advisable to do any posture or process by forcing or jerking while practicing asanas. Care should be taken that there are no deformities on the face while sitting.

06. Breathing will be normal during the exercise. But in the mudra or pranayama, breathing should be controlled according to the rules.

07. It is advisable to practice the asana on a blanket, pad or thin mattress. Exercising on hard soil or paved floor can cause injury to the body at any time.

08. It is not advisable to practice yoga in a light or airless room. Try to practice in a place where a lot of oxygen can be taken with the air.

09. Above the age of 12/13 years and below the age of 45 / 46 years (the healthy age limit may be more or less) it is not advisable for girls to do any asana for 4 / 5 days in a month for normal reasons. However, you can also practice meditation and yoga.

10. Some simple asanas or pranayama can be done for up to three months in case of pregnancy in girls, but the practice of mudra should not be done at all. It is advisable to practice all the asanas again gradually after three months of childbirth. Walking in the open in the morning and evening is especially beneficial during pregnancy.

11. One should not wear such clothes during asana nadi practice in which there is an obstruction in blood circulation.

12. It is not good to talk or be thoughtless while practicing yoga. Because the body and the mind are intimately connected. Concentration can produce results.

13. It is not right to expect quick results in yoga exercises. All it takes is patience and faith. Exercise regularly and regularly.

14. Avoid alcohol or tobacco if you have a medical condition.

15. You need to keep your mind calm as much as possible. Don’t feel anxious or worried.

Yoga for weight loss:

(1) The Bridge Seat:

Go to sleep first. Slowly lower your legs. Make sure your knees and ankles are in the same line. Place both your hands on your hips. Breathe in slowly and lift your back up. Also, try to touch your toes with your hands. Your entire body weight will be on your shoulders, arms, and legs. Stay like this for 20 seconds. Then release your hands and slowly lower your back. Do this 3 to 4 times.

(2) Dhanurasan:

First, lie down on your back. Place both your hands on your hips. Bring your knees close to your hips as you exhale. Bring your hands behind your back and tighten your hips. Be sure to keep a gap between your knees. As you inhale, pull your knees away from your hips and at the same time lift your thighs off the floor. At the same time, the shoulder blade will move backward and the chest will rise slightly from the ground. Breathing will be normal. Slowly release the seat after 20 seconds. Do this 3 times. Try to sit down slowly.

(3) Bhujangasana:

Lie down in such a way that your forehead touches the ground. Bring your hands up to your hips. Place both your hands on your hips and place your palms under your shoulders. Bring your arms straight up so that your chest is facing upwards. Stay like this for 20 seconds. Then return to the starting position to breathe out.

(4) Ustrasana:

Wear a soft cloth while performing this exercise. As shown in the picture, first bend your knees and stand on your knees. Keep your hands on both sides of your body. At the same time, slowly bend your knees and hold your ankles with both hands. At the same time, slowly stretch your chest and abdomen. The weight of the body will be on the hands and feet. This may take a minute or thirty seconds. Return to the starting position after that.

Yoga for weight loss (the 4 mentioned above) will put pressure on your stomach, waist, and back. The first few days will be painful for these parts of the body. It will be fine in a few days. But exercise alone won’t help you lose weight. Along with this, if you follow the right diet, you can get rid of excess weight in a few months.

This is the rule of yoga. So start yoga now, know the rules of yoga, and move forward with confidence in yourself. Success is in your hands.

If you learn more about yoga visit the website

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