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Somalia attacks Coast pirates on Bangladeshi ship, MV Abdullah

Somalia attacks
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Somalia attacks pirates on Bangladeshi ship, MV Abdullah

Somalia attacks Sometimes after hours, the pirates are also called. Somali pirates have taken the crew of the MV Abdullah prisoner, holding them at gunpoint. When bandits encounter firearms, they are compelled to comply. Many of the captives in this position are psychologically damaged.

The chief officer of the hijacked ship, Atiqullah Khan, said this in an audio message sent to the family on Thursday afternoon. “They have weapons on them. The weapons cease on the head as soon as the navy ship is spotted nearby. “They have weapons in their heads and are holding us hostage,” he remarked. Consume.

“Despite our good physical condition, we suffer from mental disturbances. Please offer up prayers for us. On board, according to the British Maritime Security Agency, were at least twenty armed Somali pirates.

The European Union’s naval forces have been tracking the MV Abdullah since Wednesday, the day after the hijacking. They said they had tried to reach the ship at least twice to rescue the hostages. Eat.

“They tried to save us. But the robbers held us hostage at gunpoint and forced them to return, “Atiqullah Khan said in the audio. Meanwhile, the hijacked ship MV Abdullah, owned by a Bangladeshi company, anchored off the coast of Somalia on Thursday afternoon.

Trapped in Somalia attacks:

Two days after the hijacking, the MV Abdullah anchored off the coast of Somalia attack.

Mizanul Islam, media adviser of KSRM, the company that owns the ship, confirmed to BBC Bangla that the ship reached the coast of Somalia around 1: 00 pm on Thursday. We have confirmed this, “he said. Islam. The ship is anchored off the coast of Garakad, Somalia.

The International Maritime Bureau (IMB), a London and Kuala Lumpur-based piracy watchdog, confirmed the matter to BBC Bangla. The ship’s owner said there had been no contact with the Somali pirates.

Thirteen years prior, Somali pirates took control of another ship that belonged to the same organization. There was a lady among the twenty-five crew members on board the MV Jahan Mani.

They were freed after 100 days with a sizable ransom following several legal cases and talks. Preparations are underway for that. KSRM media adviser Mizanul Islam told BBC Bangla: “We aim to rescue the ship along with the crew safely.

“That’s why we have already started contacting a third party so that we can take action as soon as the robbers contact us,” he said. Islam.

What about the hostages?

The ship’s owner said all crew members were safe. “We have re-established contact with the ship. Meanwhile, some of the sailors have also contacted the family.

A day later, I received a message on WhatsApp from my son after sehri early this morning, Shahanur Begum, the mother of Atiqullah Khan, told BBC Bangla.

Mr. Khan is the chief officer of MV Abdullah. He told the family that all the hostages on the ship were in good health.

The MV Abdullah was taken over by Somalia attacks pirates on Tuesday afternoon while transporting 50,000 tons of coal from Mozambique to Dubai.

According to the UK’s Maritime Trade Operations, the vessel was in the Indian Ocean, 600 nautical miles east of Somalia’s capital Mogadishu.

Some of the sailors contacted the company that owns the ship and reported the news. Many of the hostages also contacted their families through WhatsApp. But after Tuesday evening, the pirates took away everyone’s phone. As a result, the family and the ship’s owners could not contact any of the sailors throughout the day on Wednesday. On Thursday morning, after around forty hours, communication was once again restored with the crew.

Have all of the seamen received a callback?

“I don’t think so. Maybe he picked up the phone for a while. That’s why I was able to send a message once, “Shahanur Begum told BBC Bangla.

On the other hand, the family members of the hostages are still crowding in front of the office of the ship’s ownership company in Chittagong to search for their relatives. “The owners say they are making arrangements to rescue the hostages as soon as possible,” Ms Shahanur said. MV Abdullah’s chief officer, Atiqullah Khan, sent a message to his family via WhatsApp early on Thursday.

“My son told me that the more time passes by, the more strict they become,” Shahanur Begum, Atiqullah Khan’s mother, told BBC Bangla. “Everyone was present together. According to Ms. Shahanur, each of the 10 individuals has been placed in isolation. Tensions have been on the rise since the European Union’s navy chased the pirates on Wednesday. “The bandits have been keeping a close watch on the hostages since they saw the navy ship,” Ms Shahanur told BBC Bangla. However, Mizanul Islam, media adviser of the ship’s owner KSRM, told the BBC that he knew nothing about the incident.

The EU’s ships:

The European Union’s naval troops are pursuing the Bangladeshi ship MV Abdullah after Somali pirates took control of it. The American news organization Associated Press (AP) broke this story on Thursday. “A European Union naval ship is following the hijacked MV Abdullah as part of” “Operation Atalanta.” “The European Union launched Operation Atalanta in the northwest of the Indian Ocean in 2008 to prevent piracy and ensure the safety of ships operating in the sea. They are now tracking the MV Abdullah after learning that Somali pirates have hijacked a Bangladeshi cargo ship.

Somalia attacks How far away is the rescue?

The ship’s owner said efforts were underway to rescue the ship and its crew from Somali pirates.

“We have not received any communication from them so far. Still, we are going ahead with the work, “Mizanul Islam, media adviser of the ship’s owner KSRM, told BBC Bangla.

“We have been talking to an agency so that as soon as the robbers make contact, we can quickly rescue the hostages safely,” he told BBC Bangla. Islam. As a result, they will also play an active role in the rescue of the ship.

KSRM said it contacted the insurance company after the kidnapping. From that experience, the owner says rescuing the sailors will take some time. “This will take some time. It can take months at times, “he stated. Islam.

In 2010, it took almost three months to save the MV Jahan Mani and its crew. “They do it by putting pressure on the owner’s side and making demands,” Mizanul Islam told BBC Bangla.

“We are trying to rescue them as soon as possible,” he stated.

State Minister for Shipping Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury told reporters on Wednesday that efforts were underway to rescue the ship along with the crew. On Thursday afternoon, there was also an interministerial meeting. Experts say the government has done little to rescue the hostages.

“The pirates are out of the control of the Somali government. As a result, it is not possible to release the hostages despite the efforts of the Bangladesh government, “Abu Sayeed, an executive member of the Bangladesh Merchant Marine Officers Association, told BBC Bangla.

“Therefore, they ought to be freed,” remarked Saeed.

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