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Skincare | Protect skin ,Moisturizing,Anatomy and Physiology

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Skincare | Protect skin, Moisturizing, Anatomy and Physiology

Skincare is an external part of the vertebrate that is a soft coating covering the body. It protects the inner parts of the animal. It is the largest organ of the human body. Mammals have fur or short hair on their skinny. The skinny connects with the surrounding environment and is the body’s primary protector against external influences. skinny plays an important role in fighting off disease-causing germs and preventing excess water from the body. The skin also acts as an insulator, temperature regulator, sensory, and vitamin D producer.

The thickness of the skinny varies from animal to animal and from location to location in the same animal. The skin of the eyes is the thinnest and the skinny of the palms is the thickest.


The epidermis is made up of 5 layers. 1 level of difficulty (stratum corneum)


There is another part of the skinny-covering system

One of the body’s major organs is the skinny. In humans, it accounts for about 12 to 15 percent of total body weight and covers 1.5 to 2m2 of surface area.

The skincare is divided into three layers:

The epidermis is the outer layer Dermis. The level of the inside subcutaneous banana. The subcutaneous tissue below the dermis protects the lower muscles, tissues, and other organs. This tissue is made up of many fibers and adipose cells. The fibers extend from the dermis to the subdermis, strengthening their bonds and providing elasticity. The hair on the skinny regulates the body’s temperature and protects it from harmful particles.

The skincare glands are:

Sweat glands (also known as sudoriferous glands) – regulate body heat by expelling sweat

Sebaceous glands – produce oil that keeps skinny and hair moisturized and moisturized

Ceruminous glands – glands in the ear cavity that make up the ear opening

mammary glands – milk-producing glands that are located in the breast.


The skin’s outermost layer, or epidermis, is where melanin is found. This melanin determines the color of the skinny and darkens the skinny in the sun. Carotene and oxygen-rich hemoglobin are also responsible for skinny color. The epidermis is also covered by a protein called keratin, which forms fingernails by tightening the epidermal tissue. Its outermost layer is covered with 25-30 layers of dead cells. The other levels are: Fibrous cells make up the outer layer of the skinny melanocytes determine the color of the skinny. Langerhans cells are produced in the bone marrow and protect against infection.

The epidermis is divided into 5 sub-layers or strata:

Stratum corneum: 5th and uppermost layer. The cytoplasm contains keratin (water-repellent protein) and cells die.Stratum lucidum A thin layer of Elaidin. Eladin is a pure substance produced from keratohyalin particles. This layer is not present on everyone’s skin. Stratum granulosum. Usually 3 to 5 cells. The cytoplasm contains keratohyalin. Stratum spinosum (thorn cell layer) of thick layers of cells thick. The cells are usually flat or irregularly shaped.Stratum the cell level. They give rise to new epidermal cells through mitosis (cell division). It also contains melanocytes and melanocytes. It determines the color of our body.


The dermis is the lowest, thickest layer of skin. It is made up of blood vessels, connective tissue, nerves, lymph nodes, sweat glands, and hair follicles. There are two primary tiers to it Papillary layer: This is where the touch receptors are located, which are connected to the central nervous system. Also, they produce fingerprints. They are connected to the epidermis through the papilla. Protects the body from attack by harmful microorganisms and chemicals.

10 Home Remedies For Oily Skincare:

Excess sebum is produced by the skin’s sebaceous glands. Sebum is an oily substance made up of fat that works to protect and moisturize the skin and keep your hair shiny and healthy. However, too much sebum can get stuck in the tiny pores of the skin and cause acne. Genetic factors, hormonal changes, and even stress can increase sebum production.

Oily skin is difficult to take care of. Instead of using various medications or expensive creams, packs, and complex procedures, you can use these 10 natural remedies at home.

  1. Wash your face:

Wash your face at least twice a day. Avoid too much soap. Use a milder soap, such as one that contains glycerin.

  1. Honey for skincare:

Honey prevents germs and helps to retain moisture in the skincare. Apply honey directly on the face to get rid of acne and oily skinny. After waiting for about 10 minutes, when the honey has dried, wash your face thoroughly with warm water.

  1. Egg whites and Lemon:

Lemon and other citrus fruits help to absorb the oil. Lemon also has antibacterial properties.

Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to 1 egg white. Apply it on your face now, and give it time to dry. Rinse your face with warm water when it has dried. However, for those who are allergic to eggs, it is better to avoid this process.

  1. Cashew nuts:

Cucumber peel cleanses or exfoliates the dead skinny cells. It also helps to remove excess oil. Mix 2 tablespoons of raw honey with 3 tablespoons of crushed raw almonds to make almond scrub. Apply the scrub on your face in a circular motion. Wash it off with warm water after it dries. However, it should not be used if you are allergic to peanuts.

  1. Sweet Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera prevents dryness of the skinny. Apply it on your face before going to bed at night and leave it on till morning. Don’t use aloe vera if you have sensitive skin. If you haven’t used aloe vera before, apply a small amount to your hands. Aloe vera is safe to use if no response occurs in 24 to 48 hours.

  1. Tomatoes:

Tomato helps to clean the excess oil and dirt accumulated in the pores of the skinny. Mix 1 teaspoon of sugar with 1 teaspoon of tomato juice to make an exfoliating mask. Then apply it on the face and leave it for 5 minutes. Once the mask dries, wash it off with warm water.

  1. Blotting paper:

Blotting paper is like thin paper that absorbs excess oil from your skinny. Use blotting paper whenever your skinny is uncomfortable, or as needed throughout the day.

  1. Cosmetic clay or clay:

Cosmetic clay is used to absorb skinny oils. French green clay is very beneficial for oily skinny and acne. If you want to make a mask with cosmetic clay – add about a teaspoon of filtered water or rose water to the soil until it is like makha or pudding. After applying this mixture to your face, wait for it to dry. Then wash with lukewarm water.

  1. Oats:

To use oatmeal on your face, mix 1/2 cup of powdered oats in hot water and make a paste. Incorporate one spoonful of honey into the blend. Apply this mixture on your face for about 3 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water. Sometimes you can leave it on for 10-15 minutes.

  1. The jojoba oil:

Applying a mask made of jojoba oil two to three times a week reduces light acne on the skin. But if you use it too much, it can cause dry skin.

5 ways to take care of your skincare:

There must be people around you whose beautiful skinny makes you very jealous. I guess that’s why you don’t. And it’s not about the stars. Why only you? It’s hard to find people who are not mesmerized by their skin. The secret of this beautiful skinny is not in expensive skincare products. Yes, they have a good role. But it’s more than just a habit. If you ask, you will see that they do some work regularly to protect the skin. It’s like worship. Here are five such habits.

Drink lots of water:

There is no substitute for keeping your skin hydrated. As much as it is important to moisturize your skin, it is also important to drink plenty of water. Your skin is not separate from your body. If the body is not well, it will also affect the skin. Another benefit is that you can drink a lot of water. Harmful substances are eliminated from the body. This makes the skinny shiny.

Use natural skincare products:

Studies have also shown that natural skincare products are safer for the skin than artificial products. It works from deep within your skin. There are fewer side effects. The type of skincare product you use depends on the nature of your skin. It is advisable to speak with an expert.

Remove your make-up before going to bed:

Life is now very busy. You have to work hard throughout the day. It is often late at night when they return. The tired body does not want to do anything else. A lot of people sleep without makeup on. To keep your skinny healthy, you need to change your diet. No matter how tired you are at night, remove your makeup before going to bed.

Exercise your skincare every night:

The best time to exercise is at night. There are two reasons: firstly, there is more blood circulation in the skinny at this time. This indicates a greater amount of accessible oxygen. Secondly, dirt, sunlight, or anything else does not fall on your skincare at night. So, apply it on your skinny every night. First, cleanse your skin well. Then give a serum or pack according to the nature of your skinny.


Skincare lead a healthy life:

There are three basic principles of healthy living: a balanced diet, frequent exercise, and enough sleep. The first two are directly related to your body. Some foods can help you to keep your skinny healthy. For example, orange or tomato. Steer clear of unhealthy meals and beverages whenever you can. Also, make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Because that’s when your skinny heals for the rest of the day. A healthy diet is the first prerequisite for healthy skin. A healthy skinny is not possible without a healthy diet. Several vitamins help to maintain healthy skin.

Vitamin C.

It works on both the inside and outside of the skinny. Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant. It produces cells and proteins and makes the skin firm and supple. Vitamin C reduces the signs of aging and keeps the skin soft and supple. Foods rich in vitamin C: citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and sweet limes. Strawberry, kiwi, papaya. Tomato. Vegetables like broccoli, and cauliflower.

Vitamin B complex.

For beautiful skin, it is necessary to add niacin or vitamin B-three to food. Vitamin B-three is essential for smoothing, removing wrinkles, and softening the skin. It protects the skin by contributing to the formation of ceramides and fatty acids in the skin. Vitamin B is also required to keep the skin moisturized and supple. Folic acid or vitamin B-nine is essential for cell production and cell growth. The first condition of youthful skin is healthy cells. Foods rich in Vitamin B: Brown rice and cereals like millet, and barley. Dairy products and eggs. Vegetables, nuts and seeds.

If you learn more about skin visit the web site

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